COVID 19 – Stay safe in your pharmacy communications campaign for an action oriented Local Pharmaceutical Committee in Lancashire
Project type: Communications campaign
Client: Community Pharmacy Lancashire is the local voice of Community Pharmacy contractors within Blackpool Borough Council, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council & Lancashire County Council.
Dates: July 2020
Services provided: Campaign concept, headline and body copy writing, tone of voice, content design – social, print and e-mail footer, media list generation, media approach communications, media interaction coaching
‘The combination of Gavin’s marketing experience and deep understanding of community pharmacy, has meant that both our “Care For Your Pharmacy” campaign and now the follow on “Stay Safe In Your Pharmacy” have allowed us to get our message out there. Delivered in such a way that it is easy for the different media channels to pick up and run within their own formats, thereby reaching out to their audiences.’
Kath Gulson, Chief Officer, Community Pharmacy Lancashire
The ever innovative team at Community Pharmacy Lancashire were on the front foot again when responding to local issues. During the developing COVID 19 pandemic and with pharmacy teams still under immense pressure they were determined to provide quality communications support for the 360+ contractors within their LPC footprint.
We were briefed with the need to communicate a range of messages to the 1.5 million plus population of Lancashire, many of which reflected and reinforced national messaging. Following on from a successful initial campaign in 2020 calling for customers to treat pharmacy teams with respect (which was picked up and adopted by the PSNC and NPA along with other regional LPCs) the second phase campaign looked to reassure people about returning to their pharmacy for safe, effective, professional healthcare.
Another simple but clear headline was developed to get the core message to the public and supported with a three sub-messages that covered a little more detail. A simple hashtag #staysafeinyourpharmacy provided a social focal point.
Using the same research from phase one combined with our learning about what worked and had the best impact a set of channels was selected.
Building on relationships with media owners from phase one subsequent conversations with the Community Pharmacy Lancashire team resulted in some great coverage with the highest profile local news publications and county radio. Supported by co-ordinated social media from both the LPC, contractors and pharmacy teams the campaign reached a significant proportion of the population.

Since launch the campaign has been commended by a range of local LPCs and adopted by Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire under licence.