COVID 19 – Care for your pharmacy communications campaign for an action oriented Local Pharmaceutical Committee in Lancashire
Project type: Communications campaign
Client: Community Pharmacy Lancashire is the local voice of Community Pharmacy contractors within Blackpool Borough Council, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council & Lancashire County Council.
Dates: April 2020
Services provided: Campaign concept, headline and body copy writing, tone of voice, content design – social, print and e-mail footer, media list generation, media approach communications, media interaction coaching
‘As a returning client we have used DOSE Design before to help with our media and marketing. We had no hesitation whatsoever in approaching Gavin for help in how we support our local pharmacies and their teams during this COVID19 pandemic. Gavin came up with the ‘Care for Your Pharmacy so Pharmacy can care for you’ campaign and we are really pleased with the result’.
Kath Gulson, Chief Officer, Community Pharmacy Lancashire
The dynamic and pioneering team at Community Pharmacy Lancashire like to take the front foot when responding to local issues. During the COVID 19 pandemic and with pharmacy teams under increasing pressure they were determined to provide quality communications support for the 360+ contractors within their LPC footprint.
We were briefed with the need to communicate a range of messages to the 1.5 million plus population of Lancashire, many of which reflected and reinforced national messaging. An urgent issue around requesting respect and patience from customers following reports of abusive behaviour towards pharmacy teams was a clear priority. Following discussions it was felt that it was important to focus on the positive messages around the work of pharmacists during challenging times, help to balance out a minority of negative messages around similar issues and to position pharmacy as a key part of the solution. It was important to be clear about what we can do to help while delivering equal clarity on how we will do that and what we need customers to do to enable us.
A sense of urgency drove the project and both the concept, messaging and initial designs were developed rapidly ready for launch.
We needed a strong headline that found a balance between a request and an instruction while focusing customers minds on the important care that we give. Supporting the headline, messages were split into three areas, again centred on the care at the centre of our profession. Finally a call for togetherness pulled the three strands together and the simple hashtag #careforyourpharmacy provided a social focal point.
Research was carried out into a wide range of channels and a selection was made that delivered the highest opportunity to reach the population in an integrated manner across multiple channels. Contact details were gathered and we wrote a letter of approach requesting support from the channel owners for the campaign.
The letter and subsequent conversations with the Community Pharmacy Lancashire team resulted in some great coverage with the highest profile local news publications and county radio. Supported by co-ordinated social media from both the LPC, contractors and pharmacy teams the campaign reached a significant proportion of the population.

Since launch the campaign has been shared with other LPCs who have adapted the content with their own logo and url as well as the PSNC who have integrated the content with their own national campaign.