
Pharmacy Memory Game

Pharmacy Memory Game brings together 16 of the most commonly prescribed medicines in the NHS and provides a very challenging memory game based on the chemical structure and the name of the medicine.


More information

Pharmacy Memory Game brings together 16 of the most commonly prescribed medicines in the NHS and provides a very challenging memory game based on the chemical structure and the name of the medicine.

You can learn more about the medicines that many people in your community rely on while playing an enjoyable card game that will challenge your memory.

If you are inspired and want to know more about any of the medicines in Pharmacy Memory Game speak to your local pharmacist. They are the medicines’ experts.

Warning: Do not use when making clinical treatment decisions. For up to date, personalised healthcare see the most appropriate healthcare professional, call 111 (UK) or in an emergency call 999 (UK).

Postage and packaging

Postage and packaging | Delivery details | £2.50 UK | £10.00 Overseas

How to play

It’s pretty simple really. There are 16 cards, each of which contains information relating to one of the most commonly prescribed medicines in the UK. The cards are placed down, individually on the playing surface. The first player turns over two cards. If they match, they keep them and go again. If they don’t, hard luck, they turn them back over. Whoever has the most cards in the end wins. A full set of instructions are included in the pack but it really isn’t much more complicated than that.

About the designer

Gavin Birchall is a pharmacist, designer and marketer who has worked in pharmacy for 20 years, at the bench, in hospital pharmacy, primary care, representation, academia and was Operations and Marketing Director and Superintendent Pharmacist for an award winning pharmacy group before setting up DOSE Design and Marketing in 2015 and DOSE Publishing in 2018. He now works with pharmacy people helping them to develop robust marketing strategy and world class brand identity. Gavin completed the first global research into the brand of pharmacy as part of Masters in Graphic Design and studied marketing with Professor Mark Ritson. Learn more about Gavin.

Game details

First published: July 2019

Language: English

Dimensions: 62mm x 100mm

Scale: 36 cards

Colour-way: Black and white


16 B&W chemical structure illustrations

Paper & print details

Printed by Ivory Graphics Ltd. Playing cards on 305gsm Heretic black cored playing card board and tuck box on laminated 350gsm Zanta Box Board.