
noun (θɔːt)


Decisions, decisions

Here is how this article ends…

‘That, my friend, in summary, is why branding exists, why it’s important to your organisation and it blows my mind. The rabbit hole might be dark but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.’

It really does blow my mind.

Read on if you’d like to know how it begins.

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Remember me, buy me

Information is out there about how we remember things and how we make decisions. You would imagine that it would be the Food of the Gods to people working in branding. In the end, branding is about creating memory structures in the mind of your customer which encourage the decision to purchase your products. There are lots of bits and pieces involved but that is the nut in the nutshell.

So why do so many seem to ignore it?

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Five reasons why leaders are readers

Much has been written about leadership. A lot of it by pretty amazing people to whom we all probably ought to listen. Here are a few examples: ‘Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right thing’. Love that one. Peter F. Druker. So leadership is about choice. Selecting

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Climbing the customer benefit ladder

Everyone understands the concept of a ladder. You start at the bottom and work you way up, rung by rung to reach your goal. That might be a light bulb that needs replacing, a bookshelf that needs reaching or (horror of horrors) a gutter that needs cleaning. There is another kind of ladder though. If you haven’t heard of the concept of the customer benefit ladder then you are about to learn something useful.

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Positioning not posturing

Positioning is at the heart of marketing and is a key driver for the decisions you make about how how to design, deliver and promote your products. Pretty important then. Whether you are a pharmacist thinking about developing your next clinical service or you provide products and services for pharmacists, get your positioning right and you have a solid foundation.

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