A premium suite of training materials for a leading pharmacy training provider and consultancy
Project type: Document – training materials
Client: Pharmacy Complete is a pharmacy training provider and consultancy
Services provided: Design system development, folder design and specification, folder insert design and specification, training workbook design and specification, knowledge card design and specification, image curation, proofing, print tender process.
‘From the outset we had confidence that using DOSE to create our brand, logo and style would capture the essence of our organisation, who we are and what we do. Gavin has led us through an excellent and engaging process to develop our website, designed and branded documents, social media and promotional collateral. Gavin has always been innovative, creative, responsive and is very much an integral part of the team.’
Deborah Evans, Managing Director, Pharmacy Complete
Having worked closely with the Pharmacy Complete team to find the name, visual and verbal identity that communicated their offer we were commissioned to develop a document design system for application across a wide range of innovative training materials. With an ambitious roll out programme driven by market forces and a huge amount of complex material, a robust design system was developed that was engaging and energising while retaining a professionalism that reflected the professional nature of the content.
The brand colour palette was used to aid understanding and differentiation between types of training and to support brand recognition and recall. Images were carefully curated across the range of training materials to convey key messages within the content and brand position.
A range of materials were involved:
- A 75 page Leadership distance learning workbook
- A 91 page Health Champion distance learning workbook
- A 43 page Complete HLP workbook
- A set of 19 Championing Health Knowledge cards
- A set of 10 Championing Health Conversation cards
- A robust plastic folder for storage and evidence collection
- Six folder dividers
You can find out more about the training materials here.
Visit the Pharmacy Complete website