Follow along with Felix, Lyra and Bounce the dog as they learn to tell the difference between sweets and medicines. During a daring attempt to get their hands on some sweets the trio come unstuck, narrowly avoiding disaster. A trip to their new favourite place and the advice of their pharmacist sees them learning how to be safe around medicines.
Three books and a sheet of 35 KOOROC stickers reminding class about medicines safety.
A little more economical per book and a fixed £5.00 postage per pack UK. Includes a KOOROC presentation for Key Stage 1. Let’s get those little minds up to speed and keep them a bit safer.
Worthwhile work.
We are serious about helping children understand medicines and how to be safe around them; therefore, we are donating 10% of profits from sales of KOOROC to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
We’d like to make our story and the ideas it shares easier to read, so we have used a dyslexia friendly font. We appreciate there is no one, best way to support every reader and we hope this supports as many as possible.
Postage and packaging | Delivery details | £5.00 UK | £10.00 Rest of the world
Gavin Birchall BPharm (Hons), FRPharmS, PGCert Management, MA Graphic Design
Gavin Birchall is a pharmacist, designer and marketer who has worked in pharmacy for 20 years, at the bench, in hospital pharmacy, primary care, representation, academia and was Operations and Marketing Director and Superintendent Pharmacist for an award winning pharmacy group before setting up DOSE Design and Marketing in 2015 and DOSE Publishing in 2018. He now works with pharmacy people helping them to develop robust marketing strategy and world class brand identity. Gavin completed the first global research into the brand of pharmacy as part of Masters in Graphic Design and studied marketing with Professor Mark Ritson. Learn more about Gavin.
First published: December 2022
Language: English
Dimensions: 216mm x 216mm
Scale: 32 pages
ISBN: 978-1-9164042-3-6
Colour-way: Full colour
12 full page colour illustrations with additional illustrations throughout
Perfect bound paperback editions are printed by Ingram on 100gsm white uncoated paper.